In a devastating event on Tuesday evening, Mexican soldiers opened fire on a group of migrants traveling in a pickup truck, resulting in the deaths of six individuals and injuries to ten others. The incident occurred near Huixtla, approximately 40 kilometers from Tapachula, a key entry point into Mexico for migrants.
Diverse Nationalities Among Victims
The group included nationals from Egypt, Nepal, Cuba, India, and Pakistan, highlighting the diverse backgrounds of those seeking refuge or opportunities in the United States. The defense ministry reported that the patrol had encountered a pickup truck and two additional vehicles, believed to be linked to criminal activities in the region.
Details of the Incident
According to the ministry, soldiers fired their weapons after hearing explosions, leading to a tragic confrontation. The defense ministry has since removed the two soldiers involved from their posts and referred them to federal prosecutors for further legal action. An internal military investigation is also underway.
Commitment to Accountability
The ministry emphasized its commitment to acting in strict accordance with the rule of law, declaring a policy of zero impunity. They are working closely with the foreign ministry to engage with the embassies of the affected nations to ensure proper coordination.
A History of Migration Challenges
Tapachula is frequently used as a starting point for migrants fleeing violence and poverty, facing numerous challenges along the way. The region has seen increased tension this year due to clashes between rival drug cartels, which have further complicated the safety of migrants in the area.
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