On Saturday, UP CM Yogi Adityanath inaugurated 100 public shelters, each with a capacity of 250 beds and equipped with state-of-the-art facilities, in the Mahakumbh Mela area. He also launched a computerized lost and found center to assist pilgrims during the grand event.
“The Mahakumbh attracts a massive influx of pilgrims and visitors, making proper accommodation a critical need. Traditionally, many pilgrims and saints stay in open spaces, which can be challenging, especially during cold weather. To address this, the government has established public shelters with a total capacity of 25,000 beds, ensuring a safe, comfortable, and accessible experience for all pilgrims,” CM Yogi said.
Facilities in shelter
Each shelter has 250 beds with mattresses, pillows, and fresh linens, along with other contemporary conveniences. In addition to routine cleaning and sheet changes, separate restrooms and toilets have been set up for men and women.
Additional provisions include clean drinking water and 24×7 security. Devotees from all sections of society attending the Mahakumbh can avail themselves of these facilities at a nominal fee.
The fee structure for the use of public shelters at the Mahakumbh has been designed to be simple and accessible for all devotees. On regular days, a one-day stay will cost Rs 100, while a two-day stay will cost Rs 100 for the first day and Rs 200 for the second day.
During the main bathing festivals and surrounding days, the fee will be Rs 200 for the first day and Rs 200 for the first day and Rs 400 for the second day for a two-day stay. Devotees can pay through cash or digital modes such as UPI and will be issued tickets upon payment.
UP Government efforts ahead of Mahakumbh
The Chief Minister emphasized that this initiative is especially aimed at pilgrims who cannot afford hotels, guest houses, or private camps. “These public shelters will not only make their journey more economical but also provide them with a comfortable and safe place to stay during the cold weather,” he said.
As part of preparations for Mahakumbh 2025, CM Yogi also inaugurated a computerized lost and found center in the Prayagraj Mela area. Equipped with state-of-the-art technologies, this center aims to address issues related to missing devotees swiftly, ensuring a safe and organized experience for all pilgrims.
The government is dedicated to making Mahakumbh 2025 not just a religious gathering but a living testament to India’s cultural and spiritual heritage. CM Yogi stated, “This event will showcase the cultural and spiritual legacy of Uttar Pradesh and India on the global stage, providing pilgrims with a relaxing and memorable experience even during harsh winter conditions.”
The event was attended by Industrial Development Minister Nand Gopal Gupta ‘Nandi,’ Jal Shakti Minister Swatantra Dev Singh, the Mayor of Prayagraj, Mela Officer Vijay Kiran Anand, and other officials who accompanied the Chief Minister.
(with inputs)
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