India has expressed its deep sorrow following the shocking murder of Harshandeep Singh Anttal, a 20-year-old student from Haryana, who was killed in Edmonton, Alberta, on December 6. Anttal, working as a security guard at an apartment complex, was shot while on duty in the early hours of Friday. Two individuals, identified as Evan Rain and Judith Saulteaux, both 30, were arrested by the Edmonton Police Service (EPS).
India’s Response
The Indian Consulate in Vancouver took to social media to express condolences, stating, “We are deeply saddened by the tragic death of Indian national Shri Harshandeep Singh who was shot dead in Edmonton on 6 Dec. 2 arrested & charged with first-degree murder. We will remain in close contact with authorities & provide required assistance to the bereaved family.”
EPS reported that at 12:30 AM on Friday, they responded to a gunshot call at an apartment building. Upon arrival, they found Harshandeep Singh unresponsive in a stairwell. Despite immediate first aid, Singh was transported to the hospital where he was declared deceased. Investigators do not believe anyone else was involved, and a weapon was recovered during the arrests. An autopsy is scheduled for Monday.
Community’s Shock and Support
An online fundraiser for Singh’s family describes him as a “kind-hearted and hardworking young man.” The fundraiser, which raised over CAD 120,000 (nearly ₹75 lakh) by Sunday evening, underscores the deep impact of the tragedy on his family and community. Singh, who arrived in Canada as an international student about a year and a half ago, is survived by his parents and a sister, with the family hailing from Pind Matehri Jattan, Ambala, Haryana.
Reports have indicated that one of the arrested individuals, Evan Rain, had a criminal history involving violent charges, raising concerns about Canada’s justice system.
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