Delhi Police’s X account was reportedly hacked. However, as per reports, it has been recovered. The profile picture said ME and the name was changed to Magic Edem.
The bio when hacked read, “The best place to discover, buy and trade your favourite digital collectibles.”
The Delhi Police investigated a potential data breach following claims by a hacker group, “KillSec,” that they had accessed the traffic police’s website in April 2024. According to the police, the group made these assertions on its Telegram channel, where they also claimed to have the ability to mark pending challans as “paid.”
In their messages, the group allegedly offered violators an opportunity to alter the status of their challans by providing specific details, such as the reference numbers of their tickets.
In another message, the hackers claimed they had compromised the Delhi Police website and extracted all available data, except for photographs. The police are currently probing the matter to verify these claims and assess the extent of the breach.
(This is a developing story. More details are awaited.)