Actor Mushtaq Khan, known for his character in Welcome, recently suffered a scarring kidnapping ordeal on the Delhi-Meerut highway. On November 20, the actor was inveigled by the guise of attending an award show in Meerut, but eventually found himself in a nightmarish situation.
Actor Mushtaq’s business partner, Shivam Yadav, recalled the ordeal. He disclosed, “Mushtaq sir was shocked but firm on filing the FIR after he came out of the shock. I had gone to Bijnor yesterday to lodge a complaint. We have many evidence like flight tickets, bank transactions, and footage in CCTV near the airport. Mushtaq sir had also identified the locality and the house where he was kept. I think the police will soon nab the culprits.”
Questions Of Possible Syndicate
This incident has eerie parallels to another case involving comedian Sunil Pal, who was abducted after being invited to a fake
event. These cases have striking similarities and suggest the possibility of an organized syndicate targeting public figures through fraudulent event invitations.
Shivam further commented on this disturbing trend, “When Sunil’s case was highlighted by the media, we came to realize that Mushtaq sir’s case may not be isolated. It is alarming to see two celebrities going through such terrifying times. The need for greater awareness and protection for the entertainment world is pressing at this point in time.”
Mushtaq’s resolve for taking action in court exemplifies how this threat is to be addressed. As the actor, along with his team, hopes that through this experience, others might learn and this would prompt the authorities to act at the earliest against such crime networks.
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