The Karthigai Deepam festival, a renowned spiritual event at the Annamalaiyar Temple in Tiruvannamalai, Tamil Nadu, concluded with the lighting of the Maha Deepam on December 13, 2024. Celebrated annually, the event draws thousands of devotees to this sacred site, often called the “Southern Kailash.”
The festival began on December 4 with the hoisting of the temple flag and the Durga Amman Utsavam. Leading up to the grand finale, daily rituals and pujas were conducted. Despite heavy rains, the preparations for the Maha Deepam continued uninterrupted. On December 12, the Maha Kopper was carried to the 2668-foot-high Deepam hill, demonstrating unwavering commitment.
Sacred Bharani Deepam and Mahadeepam Lighting
The festival’s climactic day began at 4 AM on December 13 with the Bharani Deepam lit inside the Arunachaleswarar shrine. By 6 PM, the Maha Deepam, also known as Moksha Deepam, was lit atop the hill. The sacred flame was prepared using 4500 kg of ghee, 1500-2000 meters of bamboo shoots, and camphor blocks in a grand cauldron.
#TamilNadu: Karthigai Deepam #festival, the lighting of Maha Deepam at Arunachala Hills Tiruvannamalai begins.
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(📹 ANI )
— Hindustan Times (@htTweets) December 13, 2024
Due to recent landslides and heavy rains, the district administration restricted public access to the hill. Only a select few were permitted to climb and light the flame. However, this did not deter devotees, who gathered along the Giriwala path to catch a glimpse of the illuminated hilltop. Chanting ‘Arokara,’ they worshipped Annamalaiyar as a divine torch.
Eleven Days of Moksha Deepam
The Mahadeepam flame will remain lit for 11 days, allowing devotees to seek blessings and connect spiritually with the divine. Though access to the hill was limited, thousands found solace in offering prayers from afar, embracing the festival’s message of devotion and unity.