Indian Railways has rolled out an advanced and efficient travel plan to accommodate the millions of pilgrims expected to visit Prayagraj for the Maha Kumbh 2025 in Uttar Pradesh. The national carrier is set to operate 13,000 special trains to manage the massive influx of visitors. Additionally, a groundbreaking initiative has been introduced to improve the ticketing process, making it simpler and more convenient for devotees. This new initiative comes from the North Central Railway (NCR) zone, which oversees Prayagraj, and aims to leverage modern technology to streamline services.
In an innovative move, the Prayagraj Railway Division will be the first to introduce digital railway tickets in the form of QR codes printed on railway employees’ jackets. This new initiative eliminates the need for passengers to wait in long queues, allowing them to book tickets efficiently with just a simple scan. These QR codes will be attached to the green jackets worn by commercial department employees, making them easily identifiable to passengers.
Amit Malviya, the senior Public Relations Officer of the Prayagraj Railway Division, explained the initiative, stating that during the Mahakumbh event, staff from the commercial department will be assigned special duties at Prayagraj Junction. These employees, wearing green jackets with QR codes, will be positioned at strategic points across the station and surrounding areas. By scanning the QR codes, pilgrims will be directed to download the UTS (Unreserved Ticketing System) mobile app, which will enable them to book their unreserved tickets directly from their smartphones.
This technology-driven approach aims to provide a seamless and hassle-free ticket booking experience, especially during the heavy foot traffic expected for Maha Kumbh 2025. By facilitating easy access to digital services, Indian Railways is helping reduce the congestion at stations, enabling pilgrims to bypass the long waiting times typically associated with ticket booking. This initiative is in line with the government’s push for a Digital India and will significantly enhance the convenience of travelers during the religious gathering.
In addition to the digital ticketing system, Indian Railways has also introduced other services to further ease the travel experience. A toll-free helpline, a dedicated website, and the Mahakumbh Mela App will offer guidance and information to attendees throughout the event. These services are designed to provide assistance to visitors, ensuring a smooth and well-coordinated experience for the millions of devotees.
Step-by-step, the new ticket booking process is as follows: passengers can simply scan the QR code on the green jackets of railway staff stationed throughout the station. After scanning, they will receive a link to download the UTS mobile app, where they can easily book unreserved tickets and access additional services. This digital system not only saves valuable time but also contributes to a safer and more organized pilgrimage experience during Maha Kumbh 2025.
With this new initiative, Indian Railways is ensuring that the travel experience for pilgrims during the Maha Kumbh is as convenient as possible, while also promoting a culture of digital innovation. This move will undoubtedly reduce the stress of ticket booking and help attendees focus on the spiritual significance of the event.
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