On Sunday night, a deadly clash erupted in Bavi village of Maharashtra‘s Dharashiv district over water supply from a well. The confrontation involved distant relatives, who were in disagreement about accessing water for their fields. What started as a verbal altercation quickly turned violent, leading to the deaths of three individuals—Appa Kale, Sunil Kale, and Vaijanath Kale. Four others were injured in the scuffle, with one in critical condition. Local authorities detained ten people, and the investigation is ongoing.
In another disturbing incident, a parking dispute turned deadly in Jammu on Friday. Advocate Kanav Sharma, a BJP youth leader, was shot by government employee Ravinder Singh after an argument over parking in the New Plot area. The altercation escalated, and Singh fired two shots at Sharma using a licensed pistol. Although Sharma was rushed to a nearby hospital for treatment, Singh fled the scene. A manhunt was quickly launched, and Singh was eventually apprehended, with the weapon recovered.
Both incidents highlight the dangerous consequences that can arise from seemingly trivial conflicts. As police continue to investigate these cases, the communities involved are left grappling with the aftermath of violence over disputes that could have been resolved peacefully.
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