At the trailer launch of the much-anticipated film Kadhalikka Neramillai in Chennai, actress Nithya Menen and director Mysskin shared a lighthearted and playful moment that quickly went viral. As Mysskin approached Nithya to greet her, she jokingly said, “Don’t squish me. Don’t squeeze me. Don’t do all of that. I am fully dressed up.” The candid exchange between the two was captured on video and has since sparked buzz on social media for its warmth and humor.
In response to Nithya’s playful remark, Mysskin adjusted his greeting by kissing her hand instead, which drew smiles and laughter from the audience. The viral clip shows Nithya happily welcoming Mysskin as he joined the event. The camaraderie between the actress and the director reflects their bond, built during their collaboration on the 2020 film Psycho. Directed by Mysskin, Psycho featured Tamil Nadu’s current Deputy Chief Minister, Udhayanidhi Stalin, in the lead role, alongside Nithya Menen.
The trailer launch event of Kadhalikka Neramillai was a star-studded affair. Esteemed personalities like Jayam Ravi, music maestro AR Rahman, and composer Anirudh Ravichander were in attendance, adding to the glitz of the occasion. The film, helmed by Kiruthiga Udhayanidhi—wife of Udhayanidhi Stalin—is set to hit theaters on January 14, 2025, during the Pongal festivities.
Nithya Menen, a celebrated actress in Tamil, Telugu, and Malayalam cinema, has consistently delivered stellar performances throughout her career. Known for her versatility, she has starred in hits like O Kadhal Kanmani, Mersal, Thiruchitrambalam, Bheemla Nayak, and Kanchana 2. Her unique ability to bring depth and charm to her roles has earned her a loyal fan base across South India.
The cheerful and unfiltered moment at the trailer launch highlights Nithya’s candid nature, further endearing her to fans. With Kadhalikka Neramillai creating excitement among audiences, Nithya Menen’s presence and contribution to the project are sure to be among the highlights of the upcoming release.