Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) MLA from Ludhiana West, Gurpreet Gogi, tragically passed away late on Friday night following an accidental gunshot wound to the head. According to Ludhiana Deputy Commissioner of Police (DCP) Jaskaran Singh Teja, Gogi’s family reported that he accidentally shot himself while in his room. The incident occurred around midnight, and he was declared dead upon arrival at DMC hospital.
“The cause of death will be confirmed after the post-mortem report is received,” DCP Teja stated, adding that family members rushed to Gogi’s room after hearing a gunshot and found him injured in a pool of blood.
Political Career and Legacy
Gurpreet Gogi joined the AAP in 2022 and was elected to the Punjab Vidhan Sabha from the Ludhiana West constituency. Before his tenure as an MLA, Gogi served as a municipal councillor from Ward 76 for three consecutive terms (2007-2022). During the Congress government in Punjab, he held the position of District Congress Committee (Urban) president (2014-2019) and served as chairman of the Punjab Small Industries and Export Corporation (PSIEC) from 2019 to 2022.
Gogi gained attention in 2024 for removing a foundation stone he had laid in 2022 for a ₹650 crore pipeline project under the Buddha Nullah rejuvenation initiative. He expressed frustration over the slow progress and poor performance of the responsible departments, highlighting his commitment to public welfare.
Tributes and Unanswered Questions
As news of Gogi’s death spread, tributes poured in from colleagues and constituents. AAP leaders remembered him as a dedicated public servant who worked tirelessly for Ludhiana’s development. Meanwhile, police await the post-mortem report to confirm the exact cause of the incident.
The loss of Gurpreet Gogi leaves a void in Punjab’s political landscape, with his contributions to Ludhiana West and his commitment to public service serving as his enduring legacy.
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