A heartbreaking tragedy unfolded in Nanded, Maharashtra, as a farmer and his teenage son died by suicide, leaving the community in shock. The incident stemmed from financial struggles that prevented the father from fulfilling his son’s wish for a smartphone.
According to the police, the boy had been requesting his father to buy him a smartphone for some time. On Wednesday evening, he brought it up again. However, his father, burdened by loans for farming and a vehicle, explained his inability to afford it. Feeling dejected, the boy left home in distress.
When the boy didn’t return, his father searched for him and made a devastating discovery at their farm—his son had taken his own life. Overwhelmed by grief and shock, the father used the same rope to end his life.
Both were rushed to the local civil hospital, but they were declared dead on arrival. Their last rites were performed on Thursday.
Sub-inspector Dilip Munde shared that the boy’s mother confirmed her son’s repeated requests for a smartphone and her husband’s financial struggles as contributing factors. Superintendent of Police Abinash Kumar stated that a case of accidental death has been registered, and investigations are ongoing to verify the circumstances leading to the tragedy.
This incident sheds light on the emotional toll of financial hardships and the devastating ripple effects they can have on families. It serves as a somber reminder of the need for mental health awareness and financial support for vulnerable communities.
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