In a tragic incident, a law student from Ghaziabad lost his life after falling from the seventh floor of a Noida apartment complex during a party. The victim, identified as Tapas, was an LLB student enrolled in a private university in Noida.
The incident occurred on Saturday at Supreme Towers in Sector 99, Noida, where Tapas had gone to attend a gathering at a friend’s seventh-floor apartment. Shortly after, the local police received a report about his fall and subsequent death.
Tapas’ body was promptly sent for post-mortem examination, and authorities have initiated a detailed investigation into the matter. Police are currently questioning his friends who were present at the party to determine whether his death was accidental or the result of foul play.
A statement from the media cell of the Noida Police Commissionerate confirmed that the victim’s family has been informed about the tragedy. The police added that legal proceedings will be initiated once a formal complaint is received from the family.
Similar Past Incidents of Students Falling from High-Rises
The recent incident adds to a string of similar tragedies involving young individuals falling from high-rise buildings in the Noida region.
- November 2024: A 13-year-old boy died after allegedly falling from the 14th floor of a high-rise in Greater Noida West. Police stated that the incident appeared to be accidental.
- March 2024: An 18-year-old girl fell to her death from the balcony of her 18th-floor apartment in a Noida Extension housing society. She was reportedly watering plants when the accident occurred.
- June 2023: A 21-year-old engineering student fell from the eighth floor of a residential tower in Noida. Preliminary investigations suggested suicide as the cause.
These recurring incidents highlight concerns over safety in high-rise apartments and the need for preventive measures.