After two decades of hard work, experimentation, and dedication, a farmer from Kerala has successfully introduced India’s first-ever tender coconut wine. This refreshing and innovative beverage, crafted by Sebastian P. Augustine, offers wine enthusiasts a new, exotic option in the country’s alcohol scene.
With cashew, katta chakka (jackfruit), and grape wines hitting the high levels of popularity, a new variant based on coconut has made its way into the market. This is a completely new concept, and people had hardly associated coconut with wine until the retired officer Augustine decided to go on his quest for this new product.
The Delicate Coconut Wine
The wine is from the 15-acre coconut farm that Augustine tends with care and precision in Bheemanady, Kerala. Blending tender coconut with tropical fruits such as mango, banana, papaya, dragon fruit, and jackfruit has helped Augustine come up with low-alcohol wines that taste fresh. Using tender coconut water instead of regular water adds flavor and a subtle natural coconut essence with every sip.
Unlike the other variety of grape wine, tender coconut wine is characteristically light and refreshing due to its less complex, strong flavor. In fact, this wine comes with an alcohol content of about 8-10%. It is sure to attract a large number of customers due to its delicate flavor and tropical notes.
This exclusive drink didn’t come easily. Years of developing the recipe, then navigating bureaucratic obstacles, meant Augustine spent quite a bit of time perfecting his craft and overcoming regulatory challenges. He eventually secured approval to produce the wine from India’s excise department. His forward thinking even entailed solving the problems associated with licensing coconut water-based wines in a country like China, where something like this has been attempted previously.
The reward for his tenacity came in the form of the first production run of this tender coconut wine finally hitting the market. This small winery, located on Augustine’s farm, produces and bottles the wine, thus assuring each bottle of his dream of farm-to-bottle.
The wine, for now, is only sold through alcohol or beverage outlets.
International Recognition
Sebastian P. Augustine’s innovation has attracted the world’s attention not only in India but worldwide. The integration of traditional farming methods with modern winemaking has the potential to make the product appeal globally. Augustine also won Kerala’s prestigious “Kera Kesari” award given to individuals making a significant contribution to agriculture.
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