The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) launched a scathing attack on Congress MP Rahul Gandhi following his controversial remarks during the inauguration of the party’s new headquarters, the ‘Indira Gandhi Bhawan,’ in Delhi. Union ministers, including Hardeep Singh Puri and Nirmala Sitharaman, accused Gandhi of undermining the Indian state, with Puri suggesting he should “get his mental stability checked.”
Rahul Gandhi’s speech targeted the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) and BJP leadership, specifically referencing RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat’s earlier statement advocating for Independence Day celebrations to align with the Ram temple consecration. Gandhi called Bhagwat’s comments “treasonous” and claimed that the Congress was fighting not just the BJP or RSS ideology but the Indian state itself, which he said was being manipulated to erode democracy.
Union health minister JP Nadda responded by alleging Gandhi’s ties to “urban naxals” and accusing him of attempting to discredit India. On X, formerly Twitter, Nadda wrote, “Hidden no more, Congress’ ugly truth now stands exposed by their own leader. Rahul Gandhi has openly admitted to fighting the Indian state.”
Finance minister Nirmala Sitharaman also criticized Gandhi, questioning his commitment to the Constitution. “If the Leader of Opposition has taken an oath on the Constitution, how can he now claim to be fighting the Indian state?” she asked.
Amit Malviya, BJP IT cell chief, further accused Gandhi of playing into a “George Soros playbook,” sharing a clip of his speech.
In his address, Gandhi alleged that the BJP’s vision for India aimed to silence dissent and empower a “secretive society.” He emphasized Congress as the sole alternative to protect democracy, stating, “The people in this room face systematic attacks because they refuse to surrender to the BJP and RSS.”
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