WhatsApp has launched its first update for 2025, introducing several exciting new features to improve user experience. The Meta-owned instant messaging platform announced updates that include the ability to turn selfies into stickers, share sticker packs directly from the chat window, and a faster way to react to messages.
According to a blog post, WhatsApp is introducing a range of new features, starting with a revamped camera function. Users can now select from 30 different backgrounds, effects, and filters when taking photos or recording videos from the built-in camera. This gives users more creative control when capturing and sharing their moments.
Create Stickers from Selfies
One of the standout additions in this update is the ability to create stickers from selfies. To use this feature, simply go to the sticker section and tap on the ‘Create sticker’ button located at the top left. From there, users can snap a selfie and turn it into a fun sticker to share with friends and family.
Share Sticker Packs with Friends
Another key feature introduced is the ability to share sticker packs with others directly from within the chat window. To do so, users can tap on the plus button at the end of a sticker pack, and a new window will appear, allowing users to quickly forward the entire sticker pack to anyone they choose. This makes sharing stickers much easier and faster.
Faster Reactions to Messages
WhatsApp users will also benefit from an improved reaction system. Previously, users had to hold down a message to bring up the reactions menu. However, with the latest update, users can now double-tap any message to instantly bring up a list of emojis for a quick reaction. This update speeds up messaging and makes interactions more spontaneous.
A Major Update for WhatsApp Users
WhatsApp continues to be one of the most popular messaging apps worldwide, with over 3.5 billion active users. These new features are being rolled out for both Android and iOS devices, making it easier than ever to share fun content, interact with friends, and express yourself. As WhatsApp remains dedicated to improving user experience, these new tools make chatting even more enjoyable.
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