In a shocking turn of events, Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan was injured in a late-night attack at his Bandra residence, raising suspicions about the involvement of his house staff. The incident occurred in the early hours of January 16, when an intruder entered Khan’s home and attacked him with a sharp weapon.
The Incident
At around 2:00 AM, an unidentified intruder entered the actor’s residence and made his way to the room of Saif’s younger son, Jeh Ali Khan. Saif’s housekeeper, Ariama Philips (alias Lima), reportedly spotted the intruder and raised an alarm. Saif intervened, leading to a physical altercation during which he sustained six stab wounds. The injuries included a deep cut on the back of his neck and another dangerously close to his spine.
Both Saif and his housekeeper were rushed to Lilavati Hospital, where the actor underwent surgery. Doctors have confirmed he is now out of danger, while the housekeeper is also recovering from her injuries.
Police Investigate House Help’s Role
The police are now investigating whether one of Saif’s house staff may have been involved in facilitating the intruder’s entry. Despite reviewing CCTV footage from the two hours leading up to the attack, no break-in was detected. This has led authorities to suspect that the attacker may have been let into the house by someone on the inside.
The maid’s statement will be recorded once her medical treatment is complete. In addition, three other members of Khan’s staff are being questioned to uncover any potential links to the assailant.
According to preliminary investigations, the assailant gained entry to Khan’s home by scaling a wall from a nearby building. Police are still figuring out how the person got past security, though, and whether this was a premeditated attack. To identify the suspect, senior officers are looking through video from nearby properties.