In a shocking incident late Wednesday night, Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan was stabbed multiple times during a burglary attempt at his Bandra residence. The intruder, an unidentified individual, was reportedly subdued and locked in a room by Saif before the authorities arrived. While the actor sustained injuries, including one to his arm and spine, his wife Kareena Kapoor Khan and their two children, Taimur and Jeh, remained unharmed.
At the time of the attack, four-year-old Jeh and seven-year-old Taimur were asleep in their bedroom. Kareena Kapoor’s team has since issued a statement reassuring fans about the family’s safety. “There was an attempted burglary at Saif Ali Khan and Kareena Kapoor Khan’s residence. Saif had an injury on his arm for which he is in the hospital, undergoing a procedure. The rest of the family is doing fine,” the statement read.
“There was an attempted burglary in Saif Ali Khan and Kareena Kapoor Khan’s residence last night. Saif had an injury on his arm for which is in hospital, undergoing a procedure. The rest of the family is doing fine. We request media and fans to be patient and not speculate any…
— Kareena Kapoor Khan FC (@KareenaK_FC) January 16, 2025
Sources close to the family revealed that Saif acted swiftly to protect his wife and children when the altercation began. Despite sustaining six injuries, including one to his spine, he managed to overpower the attacker. The intruder was locked inside the children’s room until the police arrived and took him into custody.
Fans concerned About Jeh and Taimur
Taimur and Jeh’s wellbeing has been a primary concern for fans and well-wishers. Kareena Kapoor’s statement confirmed that the children were unaware of the chaos unfolding and were unharmed during the incident. “The kids are safe, and we are grateful for the support and prayers,” the actress reportedly shared with close friends.
Saif was rushed to a nearby hospital where he underwent neurosurgery. Doctors have confirmed that the actor is now stable and recovering from the injuries. Kareena has been by his side while extended family members have stepped in to ensure the children’s routine remains unaffected.
The incident has sparked widespread discussions about the safety of celebrities and their families, with many applauding Saif Ali Khan’s bravery in protecting his loved ones. Fans across the country have taken to social media to send their prayers for the family’s recovery and well-being.
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