Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan was attacked in the early hours of January 16, 2025, in what appears to have been a robbery attempt at his Mumbai residence. The actor, who had a confrontation with the intruder, was stabbed six times during the incident. He was immediately rushed to the hospital where he underwent surgery. As the actor begins to recover, police have launched an investigation to track down the attacker.
Why was Saif Ali Khan Attacked?
The incident occurred around 2:30 am when an intruder broke into Saif Ali Khan’s home. The actor reportedly fought back during the attempted robbery, leading to a violent altercation. Unfortunately, during the fight, the intruder stabbed Saif multiple times. Saif sustained six injuries, including deep wounds, and was quickly rushed to the hospital for medical attention.
Mumbai Police Identified the Accused
Following the attack, Mumbai police launched an investigation into the incident. DCP Dixit Gedam shared updates with the media, stating that one of the identities of the attackers has been confirmed and that the police will arrest the accused soon. “It has been discovered that the accused used the fire escape to enter their house,” he revealed. “So far, the investigation suggests that it was an attempted burglary. We are making every effort to arrest the accused as soon as possible. Once he is arrested, we will be able to disclose further details.” Initial information from the case suggested that the accused entered Saif Ali Khan’s house with the intention of theft.
DCP Gedam also confirmed that ten teams have been formed to apprehend the suspect. “One accused has been identified. He used the staircase to enter, and teams are in the field to arrest him. There are 10 detection teams working in different directions,” he added.
Dr. Nitin Dange’s Statement on Saif Ali Khan’s Health
As Saif Ali Khan underwent surgery to treat his injuries, Dr. Nitin Dange, the neurosurgeon who performed the critical procedure, updated the public about the actor’s condition. Dr. Dange shared that Saif had sustained serious injuries, including a major wound to his spine.
“Saif Ali Khan was admitted to the hospital at 2 am with alleged history of assault by some unknown person. He sustained a major injury to the thoracic spinal cord due to a lodged knife in the spine,” Dr. Dange explained. The neurosurgeon went on to say that surgery was performed to remove the knife and repair the spinal fluid leak caused by the injury. In addition, Saif had deep wounds on his left hand and neck, which were addressed by the plastic surgery team.
“He is completely stable now. He is recovering well and out of danger now,” Dr. Dange confirmed, reassuring the public that the actor is on the road to recovery.
Saif Ali Khan’s Current Condition
Thanks to the swift medical response and successful surgery, Saif Ali Khan is now stable and recovering well. His family has been assured that he is out of danger, and the actor’s well-being is being closely monitored by his medical team. Saif’s wife, Kareena Kapoor, along with other family members, are said to be safe and unharmed during the incident.