On Thursday evening, a bomb threat was reported in a Delhi-Mumbai Vistara flight that delayed the flight by two hours. The airline informed the authorities about the danger and immediately took action to ensure the safety of passengers and crew.
The airline confirmed that the flight was delayed due to a security check conducted by the authorities. The passengers were evacuated from the aircraft, and the luggage was checked thoroughly. After the clearance, the flight took off for Mumbai.
The person responsible for the bomb threat has been taken into custody by the authorities. The identity of the person has not been disclosed yet. The motive behind the threat is still under investigation.
Incidents like these are not uncommon in India, with several such events reported recently. In March 2021, a bomb threat was received on a Mumbai-bound Air India flight from Nagpur, leading to an emergency landing and evacuation of passengers. Similarly, in February 2021, a hoax bomb threat on a Delhi-bound flight from Bangkok caused a delay of several hours.
Passengers must know the seriousness of such threats and cooperate with the airline staff and security personnel during such incidents. Any suspicious behaviour or activity should be reported immediately to the authorities to ensure the safety of all passengers and crew members.
The airline industry has strict security protocols in place to ensure the safety of passengers and crew members. However, it is the responsibility of every individual to remain vigilant and report any suspicious activity to the authorities. It is essential to understand that any threat to the safety of passengers and crew members is a serious offence and must be dealt with accordingly.
In conclusion, bomb threats on flights are a serious concern and must be taken seriously by all passengers and airline staff. It is essential to remain vigilant and report any suspicious activity to the authorities immediately. By working together, we can ensure the safety of all passengers and crew members and prevent any untoward incidents from occurring during flights.