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What’s your motivation to travel?

Travelling is all so empowering that one gets not just one motivation or reason to experience the freedom that travelling has to offer, but many.

What’s your motivation to travel?

“I am not the same, having seen the moon shine on the other side of the world” – Mary Anne Radmacher

This quote has been the best motivation for me to travel and explore the world as much as I can. It resonates with me in the best way possible since I, as an individual, will never again be who I used to be before I witnessed the sky from different places. The stars shining clearer in one place than it did in the other, the sun and moon rising in different places across the map. 

Travelling is all so empowering that one gets not just one motivation or reason to experience the freedom that travelling has to offer, but many. Travelling and exploring gives a whole perception to a person’s life and it has the power to bring a person new perspectives and look out at life as well as a sense of revitalization.

So, when it comes to what inspires individuals to travel and the main reasons why people love to travel, there is a vast range of opinions that can vary from person to person. The question of what motivates people to travel is most of the times  not a question for rational minds.

The fundamental and motivating requirements that guide and propel our lives have been supplanted by a need for thrill and excitement that can only be satisfied by change. The mind desires liveliness and dynamism when fundamental necessities such as food and shelter have been addressed, according to human psychology.

An escape from Monotony

For a lot of people Travel might be the solution for a monotonous lifestyle. For someone who believes their daily routine has grown dull and uninspired, travel can be a means to experience excitement. Travelling allows a person to experience a change of scenery, which typically refreshes their thoughts. 

Travelling from a small village to a huge metropolis may shift a person’s viewpoint and re-energize them. A person is well on their way to a trip experience full of new sights with a packed luggage, travel medical insurance, and an airline ticket.

A person’s desire to learn is most likely innate, and it may blossom into a never-ending quest for knowledge, truth, and understanding. Travelling and vacationing provide opportunities to satisfy one’s need to learn. 

Therefore another reason to travel can be the urge and the desire to learn about a new culture and its customs. Travelling is an excellent opportunity for a person to learn about a location and its people firsthand. Those who desire to learn more about another place or a country’s history or see its architectural marvels can benefit by travelling there.

A significant majority of people have a great desire to blend with the past, to comprehend it, and to experience it. Historic structures, monuments, battlefields, and shrines are places where people may communicate with the past and feel connected to those who came before them. 

When it comes to tourism, once a person’s interest in a destination place is piqued, it grows with each new piece of information. A well-thought-out marketing mix undoubtedly piques interest in a place, but the impression made by good reading, media, and, most all, word of mouth communication is far more eloquent and convincing.

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Quest for knowledge

Travelling can even satisfy a person’s quest for knowledge and information about their own family’s history and culturePeople who are interested in genealogy frequently go to certain nations to explore the ancestral homelands of their forefathers and mothers. In fact, some people are really interested in visiting the places and towns where their forefathers and mothers formerly resided. 

Travelling to the land of one’s forefathers or mothers may turn up important birth or marriage documents, as well as images. Travelling to a distant nation to tread on property previously held by great, great ancestors is a remarkable and inspirational experience for some individuals. A journey can assist a person in learning more about their ancestors.

Another reason for travelling, for some people, can be their passion for it. Travel can even be an obsession or a way of life, for some, and that is exactly what is called vagabondage. It means bondage to travel. 

Travelling for the sake of travel is a self-perpetuating phenomena that has no logical or legitimate basis other than the enjoyment of travel itself. Vagabonds enslaved to travel are always planning their next journey, recounting or reminiscing over the past one, or restoring their energy and future while reading up on a trip behind the iron curtain, a barrier dividing cultures or ideas. 

The seasoned visitor develops into a country collector, an admirer of far-flung locales, and an expert on unusual places, people, and things. The master traveller has amassed a portfolio of travel experiences and memories, which he or she continues to add to over time. The walkabout appears to be driven by instinct. For millions of individuals, the concept of moving, having fun, and being on the highway or in an aircraft can be and is joyful.

Unpaid therapy?

The greatest motivation for people to travel that is universally found is that travel is highly therapeutic. To witness the beauty of nature or to explore a new surrounding relaxes a person’s mind to such an extent that is unimaginable. Travel has the ability to not only allow you to escape but also to heal you. A fresh environment with plenty of enjoyable diversions may be quite beneficial. You’ll come home feeling more at ease with yourself and your difficult circumstances.

 Travel may even sometimes be effective in reviving a person’s spirits after a period of significant unhappiness or adversity in their life. It might also be a method for someone going through a difficult moment to get away from the harsh truths of life or go on a path of self-development. 

You have the opportunity to reflect about your life when you are away from home. You have the time and space to let your mind roam and assess your situation. One of the finest ways to discover more about yourself is to travel. 

Travelling presents a fresh set of problems and possibilities every day. The way you manage them reveals a lot about who you are. You’ll return home knowing more about yourself and with a new outlook on what you want out of life. Your life will be changed as a result of this encounter.

Travelling across vast seas on a cruise ship, experiencing strange scenery, or even staying with friends in a distant city might be therapeutic for someone who has recently gone through a difficult period. When a person returns from a trip, they often feel refreshed and more prepared to face the challenges of regular life.

Also read: Dealing With Post Vacation Depression? Here Are Some Tips

Innate desire to travel

Individual travel motives are strongest when it comes to satisfying a desire for pleasure, and travel has the unique and unsurpassed attribute of being able to do so to a large level. 

Pleasure travel is a taught behaviour in and of itself. Travel provides enjoyment that can only be obtained via such experiences, and these satisfactions frequently entail a release of tension. As a result, the pleasure journey becomes a very sophisticated and mostly learnt method of de-tensioning.

The pre-travel planning and anticipation phase may be just as enjoyable as the trip itself. Discussing the trip’s prospects with friends and coworkers, as well as conducting research, educational, and shopping activities related to the trip and the place to be visited, is an essential component of the whole enjoyable travel experience. 

The romantic aspects of seeing, experiencing, and enjoying odd and appealing locations are also an overpowering drive for people energised by the romantic aspects of seeing, experiencing, and enjoying strange and attractive places.

Holidaying and travelling is often seen as a health-related investment, a topic that lends itself to cost-benefit analysis. According to health counsellors, scheduling one’s health is equally as important as scheduling one’s professional activities. 

Many medical experts believe that taking a series of holidays at regular intervals is more useful for recharging mental and physical resources, as well as rekindling interest and enthusiasm, than taking one long vacation every year. 

Furthermore, spreading vacations out over several seasons is not only more enjoyable for vacationers, but also for the tourist sector, since the peaks and troughs of the business are even out.

Work-related travel

One of the major motivations for people to travel is work related travel. However, work travel is frequently combined with pleasure. When a business traveller attends a conference in a city where as much as half of his or her time may be spent gambling or devil-may-care gambolling (i.e., skipping, hopping playfully, or roaming), it is difficult to determine where work begins and pleasure stops. 

According to a Pan-American Airline research, the business-pleasure balance varies greatly depending on the character of the target location. Despite the fact that air travel accounts for the majority of business travel, the majority of business travel is strenuous regardless of method of transportation.

The joy of meeting new people

Another major reason why people love travelling is to meet new people from various walks of life and to have an interaction with people belonging to different places and cultures. People get closer as a result of their shared travel experience. Travelling is also a unique approach to strengthen friendships and connect with people.

Travel may be more than a purely frivolous pleasure or a means of earning a desired destination. There does not have to be a void or a vacuum between the old and new environments. 

For many tourists, their vacation begins at the port or airport, continues to their chosen location, and concludes only when they return home or at the point of departure. Travelling to a location may be exciting or boring. 

Travelling by plane throughout the first half of the twentieth century, or even in the early 1950s, was glamorous, especially when going on vacation to far-flung locations. Conversations and interactions between socially acceptable seatmates, as well as the excitement of flying, added to the social relationships created in the air.

People also travel for religious reasons. Spiritual travel, such as visiting religious sites, is also a personal motivator. A pilgrimage to Jerusalem or Rome for Christians, and a journey to Mecca for Muslims, are both very auspicious. There are several pilgrimage centres and sacred spots in India dedicated to all major religions, where a great number of pilgrims from all over the globe visit each year.

An opportunity to unwind and learn

Amongst the various reasons why people travel, one very important reason is the opportunity to relax. The current early life has made it even more vital for individuals to get away from all of this hectic environment and relax in order to maintain their bodies and minds healthy as a result of industrialisation and urbanisation. Various factors, such as relaxation and rest, as well as changing environments and visiting tourist attractions, may be involved. Travel allows your mind and body to rejuvenate in ways that are impossible to do at home.

Travel is also an excellent way to put yourself to the test and see how far you can go. It tests people’s limitations and takes them out of their comfort zones. When you’re exposed to new locations, people, and experiences, you’ll realise how resourceful you are. Perhaps it’s navigating a bustling metropolis. 

To overcome fears and challenges

When you don’t speak the language, you can’t order a meal. When you complete your journey successfully, you will be pleased with yourself. Overcoming obstacles will provide you delight and provide you with energy for future tests. You’ll understand how capable you are and gain confidence as a result.

It’s invigorating to conquer new terrain, which is one of the many reasons why people like travelling. Humans have an insatiable desire for new experiences, and travel allows us to satisfy that desire. A vacation is the ideal opportunity to try something new and interesting, especially if you can’t do it at home. 

The exhilaration begins the moment you set foot in a new location. Conquering that area may mean eating hot Thai street cuisine or practising your rusty college Spanish in Madrid. You’ll have a great time. You’ll get a rush from your escapades, and you’ll like it. You’ll feel satisfied with yourself.

 Also read: Ultimate Road Trip Checklist for Your Next Adventure

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