Bharatiya Janata Party’s candidate for South Chennai, Tamilisai Soundrajan, cast her vote in Saligramam during the initial phase of the Lok Sabha elections. Today, all 39 seats in Tamil Nadu are up for voting. Soundararajan faces competition from DMK’s incumbent MP Thamizhachi Thangapandian and AIADMK’s J Jayavardhan.
After exercising her right to vote, she expressed her satisfaction, highlighting that she has been voting at the same booth for the past 30 years. Soundararajan urged citizens to fulfill their civic duty by voting, emphasizing that it’s not merely a holiday but an opportunity to participate in democracy. She also urged the Election Commission to ensure smooth proceedings at polling booths, especially for first-time voters.
In the 2019 elections, the DMK-led Secular Progressive Alliance won an overwhelming majority, securing 38 out of 39 seats in Tamil Nadu. As the 2024 Lok Sabha elections kick off, Prime Minister Narendra Modi encouraged eligible voters to turn out in large numbers, particularly calling upon the youth and first-time voters to participate actively. He emphasized the importance of every vote and every voice in shaping the nation’s future.
With 102 constituencies across 21 states and Union Territories voting in the first phase today, the country awaits the counting of votes on June 4.
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