With the upcoming horror film “1920 – Horrors of the Heart,” Krishna Bhatt, the daughter of director-producer Vikram Bhatt, will make her directorial debut. In the recently released trailer for the film, eerie landscape shots are interspersed with spooky details and a lullaby. Avika Gor popular for her role in ‘Balika Vadhu’, is also starring in this movie.
Krishna said, “Mahesh (Bhatt) uncle helms our company, and when he wrote 1920 after the covid days, I worked closely with him. The experience of being under his guidance is surreal. He makes you go inside your mind and tap into your feelings, which you didn’t know you possessed. I learned tremendously from him. The years spent on my father’s set have given me a solid grounding in many facets of filmmaking. I hope to do justice to a genre he is the ace of.”
“It’s a heartfelt moment for me to see my young daughter’s film on the verge of a theatrical release,” Vikram Bhatt stated in reference to his daughter’s debut. Since I oversaw the production of Haunted, Krishna has worked with me as a real set assistant. She had complete creative control over the sets and was very clear about the music she wanted for her story as well as how she wanted a scene to play out.
I want to congratulate Anand Pandit for the fantastic release of the movie. As for working with the Bhatts in the horror genre, Avika Gor added, “No one understands it better than them. I enjoyed watching horror. Bhatts also have great music in their films. Working on a movie that Mahesh wrote, Vikram Bhatt produced, and Krishna Bhatt directed is definitely an honour.
‘1920 – Horrors of the Heart’ has been presented by Mahesh Bhatt and Anand Pandit, and is a Vikram Bhatt Production in association with Raj Kishor Khaware. The film is set to debut in theatres on June 23.
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