Bollywood’s power couple, Aishwarya Rai Bachchan and Abhishek Bachchan, were recently spotted together at a wedding reception in Mumbai. This was their first appearance amidst speculations of separation; however, neither Aishwarya nor Abhishek have openly addressed the speculation despite all these rumors.
The duo attended the event at Sun-n-Sand hotel, which was also attended by Aishwarya’s mother, Brindya Rai.
Producer Anu Ranjan and filmmaker Manish Goswami shared photos in which the duo twinned in all-black outfits. Aishwarya looked stunning wearing a black embroidered salwar suit, while Abhishek wore a tailored black bandhgala. The couple flashed warm smiles and stood beside each other, radiating bonding and elegance.
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Rumors of a separation between the two gained speed earlier this year when they separately attended a high-profile event in July. Speculations grew further after Abhishek liked an Instagram post discussing the rise of “grey divorces.” Further, during a recent global event held in Dubai, Aishwarya’s name was published without the “Bachchan” surname, which further fuelled chatter online.
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On the set of Sanjay Gadhvi’s 2006 action thriller Dhoom 2, Abhishek and Aishwarya fell in love. On April 20, 2007, they were married in a traditional Hindu ceremony. Aishwarya and Abhishek are parents to 12-year-old daughter Aaradhya Bachchan.
Professionally, Abhishek was last seen in I Want To Talk, for which he received critical acclaim. His other upcoming projects include Be Happy, Housefull 5, and King. Aishwarya, who last acted in Mani Ratnam’s Ponniyin Selvan: Part II, continues to work on her acting as well as philanthropic pursuits.