Ajith Kumar, the beloved Tamil film star, has taken a giant leap into the world of motorsports with his very own racing team, Ajith Kumar Racing. The actor, known as “Thala” to his fans, has made waves by announcing that his team will compete in prestigious international events, including the 24H of Dubai. Ajith shared the stunning livery of his Porsche 992 GT3 Cup car, which will be the team’s weapon of choice in endurance racing.
The actor, who has long been a motorsport enthusiast, was visibly emotional as he unveiled the final livery of his Porsche 992 GT3 Cup Car. The car’s base color is white, with vibrant splashes of red, orange, and yellow, adding a fiery touch. The car proudly displays the Ajith Kumar Racing name, along with a distinctive 694 decal and Ajith’s initials, AK, on the rear wing.
Ajith’s passion for racing was evident as he lovingly kissed the car and patted its bonnet before heading out for testing at the Circuit de Barcelona-Catalunya in Spain and the Dubai Autodrome. Ajith also explored the Ferrari 488 EVO Challenge at the Dubai Autodrome, fueling his excitement for the upcoming races.
Ajith Kumar Racing isn’t just about Ajith; it’s a well-rounded team with professional drivers. Alongside Ajith, the team will feature Fabian Duffieux, Mathieu Detry, and Cam McLeod. The team is also in partnership with Bas Koetan Racing, a renowned endurance racing squad based in Europe, which will manage Ajith Kumar Racing’s operations.
Ajith Kumar Racing will make its official debut in the 24H of Dubai scheduled for January 9-12, 2025, at the Dubai Autodrome. This race will see top drivers from across the globe, and Ajith Kumar is set to showcase his skills alongside his team. Following the Dubai race, the team will continue to participate in the European 24H Series Championship.
The star of the show is the Porsche 992 GT3 Cup Car. Built for track-only use, this racecar features a powerful 4.0-litre flat-six engine delivering 510 PS. The car’s aggressive design includes an 11-stage adjustable rear spoiler and a turbo-spec wide-body kit, making it a formidable competitor in endurance racing.
Ajith Kumar’s foray into racing has already sparked excitement among his fans and motorsport enthusiasts alike. His commitment to the sport is evident as his team fine-tunes their Porsche 992 GT3 Cup car, getting ready for one of the biggest motorsport events in the world.
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