Telugu superstar Allu Arjun was arrested on December 13 in connection with a tragic incident that occurred during the premiere of his film Pushpa 2: The Rule at Sandhya Theatre in Hyderabad. The incident led to the death of a 39-year-old woman, M Revathi, and left her child injured. The arrest followed a complaint filed by Revathi’s family, which also named the theatre management and Arjun’s security team.
On the night of December 4, Allu Arjun attended a special screening of Pushpa 2 at the Sandhya Theatre. During the screening, a stampede-like situation broke out when the theatre gates, unable to withstand the massive crowd surge, collapsed. Revathi, who had attended the screening with her husband M Bhaskar, their son, and their daughter, was caught in the chaos. Bhaskar later described how he was separated from his wife and son, with his daughter in his care outside the theatre. Despite several attempts to contact his wife, Bhaskar was informed of her death after she was rushed to Gandhi Hospital.
Following the incident, Pushpa 2 producers Mythri Movie Makers expressed their condolences and assured the family of their support. The company posted on social media on December 5, offering their deepest sympathy and pledging to stand by the victim’s family. The gesture, however, did not prevent legal action against those involved in the incident.
A case was filed under the Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita (BNS) law, with charges of culpable homicide not amounting to murder, and voluntarily causing hurt or grievous hurt. This was based on the complaint filed by Revathi’s family. Hyderabad’s Deputy Commissioner of Police Akshansh Yadav confirmed that the case was under investigation, with stringent action to be taken against those responsible for the incident, including Allu Arjun and his security team.
Allu Arjun, deeply shaken by the tragic event, expressed his sorrow in a video posted on social media on December 6. He offered his condolences to the grieving family, stating, “I want to assure them they are not alone in this pain and will meet the family personally.” In his gesture of goodwill, the actor announced that he would donate Rs 25 lakh to the family and cover their medical expenses.
In a subsequent statement on December 7, Allu Arjun expressed that he could not process the news of the incident immediately. He mentioned, “It took me hours to process it and respond to the incident. I couldn’t process it psychologically.” His team and filmmaker Sukumar were reportedly emotionally affected by the news.
On December 13, Allu Arjun was arrested by the Chikkadpally police. His arrest came after days of media attention surrounding the incident and his public expressions of grief and support for the victim’s family. Despite his arrest, Pushpa 2 has continued to break records at the box office, becoming one of the highest-grossing films of Arjun’s career.
This tragic incident serves as a stark reminder of the risks involved in large public gatherings, and the importance of safety measures at such events. Allu Arjun’s arrest is part of the ongoing investigation, but his goodwill gesture has been acknowledged by many.
ALSO READ: Is Politics Behind Allu Arjun’s Arrest Over Fan Death At Pushpa 2 Premiere? – KNOW HERE!
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