In a terrifying incident, Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan, along with his staff and his son’s nanny, was injured during an attempted robbery at his Bandra residence in the early hours of Thursday morning. The armed intruder reportedly demanded Rs 1 crore before attacking those present.

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Robbery Attempt At Saif Ali khan’s House in Bandra

The incident occurred around 2 a.m. at the Khan family’s residence while the family and staff were asleep. According to the First Information Report (FIR) filed at Bandra police station and accessed by The Times of India, the intruder targeted the family in what appears to have been a robbery attempt gone horribly wrong.

Eyewitness Account from Saif’s Nurse

Eliyama Philip, a 56-year-old nurse employed by the Khan family, provided a harrowing account of the incident to the Bandra police. She described the intruder as a man in his late 30s, slim, with a dark complexion. Armed with a stick and a sharp blade, the man entered the bedroom where Saif Ali Khan’s 4-year-old son, Jeh, was sleeping.

The attacker demanded Rs 1 crore from Philip, threatening her with the blade. When she refused and resisted, he assaulted her, injuring her wrists and hand.

Saif and Kareena Rushed to the Scene

The commotion woke up Jeh’s nanny, Junu, who immediately raised an alarm. Hearing the noise, Saif Ali Khan and his wife, Kareena Kapoor Khan, rushed to the bedroom. Saif attempted to defend his family and confronted the intruder but sustained multiple injuries, including cuts on his neck, shoulder, back, and wrist during the scuffle.

Another staff member, Geeta, who tried to intervene, was also injured in the attack.

The intruder fled before additional staff members could arrive. Despite their injuries, Saif and his family managed to ensure the safety of their young son and other household members.

Police Investigation Underway on Saif Ali Khan’s Attack

The Bandra police have launched a detailed investigation into the case, treating it as armed robbery and assault. Sub-Inspector Suraj Irakte stated that the suspect is believed to be around 5’5” tall, wearing dark clothing and a cap at the time of the incident.

“The investigation is ongoing, and efforts are being made to identify and apprehend the suspect,” Irakte said.

The injured, including Saif Ali Khan, Eliyama Philip, and other staff members, are currently receiving medical treatment. All individuals are reported to be in stable condition.

Authorities are working diligently to solve the case and ensure justice is served. Further updates are expected as the investigation progresses.

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