Telugu film superstar Allu Arjun has been sent to 14-day judicial custody following an incident at the premiere of his highly anticipated film, Pushpa 2: The Rise, which led to the tragic death of a woman in a stampede. The incident occurred on December 4, when a large crowd of Allu Arjun’s fans gathered at the Sandhya Theatre in Hyderabad for the film’s premiere. The chaotic scene during the event resulted in 35-year-old Revathi and her 8-year-old son being caught up in the stampede. While the son was hospitalized, Revathi tragically lost her life.
In the wake of the incident, a case was filed against Allu Arjun and the theatre management under the newly enacted criminal law, the Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita (BNS), following a complaint from Revathi’s family. The case accused the actor and the theatre management of negligence that led to the unfortunate event.
However, on December 12, Revathi’s husband, Bhaskar, surprised reporters by expressing his willingness to drop the case. Speaking to the media, he clarified that he was unaware of the arrest of Allu Arjun and emphasized that the actor had no involvement in the stampede. “I am ready to withdraw the case. I was not aware of the arrest, and Allu Arjun has nothing to do with the stampede in which my wife passed away,” Bhaskar stated, indicating a shift in the family’s stance.
Amidst mounting tension, Allu Arjun was taken into custody by the police under tight security from his residence and was then transported to the Chikkadpally police station. The actor, who had been named in the FIR, had previously approached the Telangana High Court on December 11, seeking the cancellation of the First Information Report (FIR) filed against him.
The stampede, which occurred during the premiere of Pushpa 2, cast a shadow over what was meant to be a celebratory occasion for the actor and his fans. The case remains under investigation, with authorities taking measures to ensure the safety and security of the public during large gatherings in the future.
ALSO READ: Is Politics Behind Allu Arjun’s Arrest Over Fan Death At Pushpa 2 Premiere? – KNOW HERE!
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