The film ‘Crew’, starring Tabu, Kareena Kapoor Khan and Kriti Sanon, had a great start at the box office on its opening day. It continued its strong performance on the second day as well, showing an increase of 3.78% in ticket sales on Saturday compared to Friday. According to trade analyst Sacnilk, ‘Crew’ earned around Rs 9.60 crore on its second day. It had made Rs 9.25 crore net on its opening day. With this, the total domestic collection of the film now stands at Rs 19.88 crore after two days. Earlier, the producers had announced that ‘Crew’ collected Rs 20.07 crore worldwide on its first day.
On Saturday, March 30, renowned trade analyst Taran Adarsh also shared the opening day box office figures of ‘Crew’ on X. He wrote that the film pulled off the biggest surprise of 2024 by exceeding all pre-release predictions and silencing doubters who questioned its box office potential. It made Rs 10.28 crore on its opening day in India.
Billed as a heist comedy, ‘Crew’ is about three air hostesses working for a struggling airline. Frustrated with their mundane middle-class lives, they hatch a plan to pull off a heist and make big money, but soon find themselves caught in a web of lies.
The film, produced jointly by Balaji Telefilms and Anil Kapoor Film & Communications Network was released on March 29. During the trailer launch, Kriti spoke about her experience of working in a women-centric comedy film, calling it refreshing to work with talented women co-stars whom she has admired for years.
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