Ahead of his scheduled performance in Hyderabad on Friday, November 15, singer and actor Diljit Dosanjh has received a notice from the Telangana government. The notice, issued by the District Welfare Officer from the Department of Welfare of Women and Children, Disabled and Senior Citizens in Rangareddy, restricts Dosanjh from performing any songs that promote themes of alcohol, drugs, or violence. Additionally, it advises against involving children in the show and cautions that loud sounds and intense lighting could adversely affect young attendees.
The notice was prompted by a formal complaint from a Chandigarh resident, supported by video footage from Dosanjh’s recent performance at New Delhi’s Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium, where he reportedly performed songs with themes of alcohol, drugs, and violence. Dosanjh’s Hyderabad concert is part of his “Dil-Luminati Tour,” a 10-city music tour across India that includes stops in major cities like Mumbai, Kolkata, Indore, Pune, and Guwahati. The tour began with a massive concert in Delhi, attended by over 35,000 fans, followed by a show in Jaipur.
During the Jaipur concert, Dosanjh addressed a recent ticket scam, apologizing to fans affected by fraudulent ticket sales. Speaking to the crowd, he clarified, “If anyone has fallen victim to a ticketing scam, I apologize. We’re not involved, and authorities are investigating. Please avoid any association with those responsible.” Tickets for his concerts have been in high demand, selling out quickly, which unfortunately led to instances of resale at inflated prices and the circulation of fake tickets.
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