Actor Vivek Oberoi recently shared a moving story about his transformative journey during a challenging phase of his life. In 2004, while struggling personally and professionally, Vivek found solace in helping survivors of the devastating tsunami in southern India. Encouraged by his mother to focus on service, he embarked on a year-long stint aiding relief efforts in the region.
During this time, Vivek visited a renowned temple, weighed down by emotional struggles. He met an elderly man with a simple appearance—clad in a dhoti and sporting a white beard—who conversed with him in polished English. The man sensed Vivek’s troubles, predicting a looming financial loss but assuring him that his charitable work would protect him from its full impact.
After the meeting, Vivek returned to the temple, only to find the mysterious man had vanished. Temple staff denied seeing anyone of his description, leaving Vivek to believe he had encountered a divine presence. He credited this experience with shaping his outlook on life and karma.
In the same interview, Vivek recounted a harrowing incident at another temple. A stranger alerted him to an alleged child prostitution ring. Following up on the claim, Vivek discovered several girls held captive in a small room. The experience ignited his passion for social justice, leading him to start a foundation aimed at fighting exploitation and providing education.
Beyond his acting career, Vivek Oberoi has achieved significant success as a businessman. With a reported net worth of ₹1,200 crore in 2024, he has diversified into ventures like real estate and event management. His real estate firm, Karrm Infrastructure, played a crucial role in his success, along with large-scale projects like Aqua Arc in the UAE, valued at ₹2,300 crore.
Vivek also co-founded Svarnim University and Mega Entertainment, showcasing his entrepreneurial acumen. Through his NGO, One Foundation, he continues his commitment to education and healthcare in North India.
From his spiritual awakening during the tsunami relief efforts to his success in multi-crore ventures, Vivek Oberoi’s journey is a testament to resilience, purpose, and the power of good karma.