Ranbir Kapoor recently discussed his role as Lord Ram in Nitesh Tiwari’s highly anticipated film Ramayana at the Red Sea Film Festival in Jeddah. The actor expressed feeling “humbled” to portray such an iconic figure, calling it a “dream come true.”
“I’m currently working on Ramayana, which is the greatest story ever. My childhood friend Namit Malhotra, who is passionately bringing this story to life, has gathered an exceptional team of artists and creatives. It’s being directed by Nitesh Tiwari,” Ranbir shared.
He also revealed that he has completed filming for the first part of the film and will soon begin work on the second. “It’s a two-part film. I’ve finished shooting Part 1, and will start shooting Part 2 soon. Just being a part of this story and playing the role of Ram is truly humbling. It’s a dream for me. This film showcases everything — from Indian culture to family dynamics and relationships,” he added.
#RanbirKapoor about his next
Ramayana ❤ 🏹
” Directed by nitesh tiwari,It brings together the world’s finest artists. I’ve already completed Part 1 and i am starting Part 2 soon. I’m honored & humbled to play the role of Lord Rama It’s a dream for me.” pic.twitter.com/AnPS3PAU84— shubh (@Perksofshubhhhh) December 8, 2024
In addition to Ranbir Kapoor, the film will feature Sai Pallavi as Sita and Yash as Ravana. Yash is also co-producing the project. “To create a film of this scale, you need actors of this caliber,” Yash mentioned to Hollywood Reporter India.
Other notable cast members include Arun Govil and Lara Dutta, with reports suggesting Sunny Deol may be cast as Hanuman, although this has not been officially confirmed.
The first part of Ramayana is scheduled for release during Diwali 2026, with the second part set to follow in Diwali 2027. This will make Ranbir Kapoor 44 years old during the release of part one and 45 during part 2.