Fans of Tamil actor Vishal are expressing concern following his appearance at a pre-release event for his much-delayed film, Madha Gaja Raja. The actor, who is reportedly battling a viral fever, attended the event despite his condition, raising questions about his well-being.
A viral video from the event has left fans worried, as it shows Vishal visibly struggling to hold a microphone with trembling hands. The actor appeared frail and required the assistance of an aide to reach the stage. One concerned fan wrote on social media, “Why is he shaking so much? He couldn’t even hold the mic properly. Get well soon, na.”
Following the event, Vishal was admitted to Apollo Hospital for medical treatment. A health bulletin issued by the hospital confirmed that the actor is suffering from a viral fever and has been advised complete bed rest. Medical experts have recommended he remain under observation for the next few days.
News of Vishal’s health issues has sparked an outpouring of support on social media. Fans have been sharing messages like “Wishing you a speedy recovery, Vishal sir,” showing their concern and affection for the actor.
Despite being hospitalized, Vishal managed to update fans through Twitter by promoting a song from Madha Gaja Raja. This gesture has reassured fans that the actor remains in high spirits, although they continue to wish for his full recovery soon.
Vishal’s determination to attend the event despite his health challenges has further demonstrated his dedication, earning admiration from fans eagerly awaiting his return to better health.
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