Bollywood star Kareena Kapoor Khan made a heartwarming gesture during her recent meeting with Prime Minister Narendra Modi in New Delhi. The actress requested the Prime Minister to write a special note for her sons, Taimur Ali Khan and Jeh Ali Khan, who were unable to attend the gathering. In a touching moment, Kareena was seen smiling proudly as the Prime Minister signed a personalized message for her children, affectionately addressing them as “Tim and Jeh.”
Kareena later shared this intimate moment on her Instagram Stories, expressing gratitude for the occasion. She wrote, “Thank you Shri Modi ji for such a special afternoon. Your warmth, attention, and support in celebrating this milestone meant the world to us. As we celebrate 100 glorious years of Dadaji’s artistry, vision, and contribution to Indian cinema, we honour the timeless impact of his legacy, which continues to inspire us and generations to come.”
The Kapoor family, including Kareena Kapoor Khan, Karisma Kapoor, Ranbir Kapoor, Alia Bhatt, and Neetu Kapoor, came together to meet the Prime Minister. The visit was part of the family’s efforts to commemorate the 100th birth anniversary of the legendary filmmaker Raj Kapoor.
As part of the celebration, the family extended an invitation to PM Modi to attend a special tribute honoring Raj Kapoor’s contributions to Indian cinema. A nationwide film festival showcasing some of his iconic works is being organized, including classics like Aag (1948), Barsaat (1949), Awaara (1951), Shree 420 (1955), Jagte Raho (1956), Jis Desh Mein Ganga Behti Hai (1960), Sangam (1964), Mera Naam Joker (1970), Bobby (1973), and Ram Teri Ganga Maili (1985).
Karisma Kapoor also shared a touching moment on her Instagram. She posted a photo of PM Modi addressing a signed note to her children, Samaira and Kiaan. The personalized gestures from the Prime Minister added a memorable and intimate touch to the event.
For the special meeting, Kareena Kapoor Khan looked stunning in a vibrant red salwar suit. While her sons Taimur and Jeh were not present, they were a significant part of the conversation, reflecting Kareena’s pride as a mother.
Raj Kapoor, fondly remembered as one of Indian cinema’s greatest visionaries, continues to inspire generations. The Kapoor family’s celebration of his legacy serves as a testament to his timeless influence on Indian cinema.
A Celebration of Legacy
The nationwide screening of Raj Kapoor’s films aims to highlight his artistic brilliance and significant contributions to the evolution of Bollywood. The family’s initiative, coupled with PM Modi’s presence and support, underscores the cultural significance of this milestone celebration.
This meeting between the Kapoor family and PM Modi not only paid homage to Raj Kapoor’s illustrious career but also created unforgettable moments for the next generation of the Kapoor clan.