Something appears to be brewing between the cast members of Rajkumar Hirani’s blockbuster film “3 Idiots.” On Friday, actors Kareena Kapoor Khan, Boman Irani, and Jaaved Jaaferi took to their social media handles and dropped some videos in which they hinted at a sequel to the comedy-drama film ‘3 Idiots’. Kareena took to Instagram to share a video of herself discussing Aamir Khan, Sharman Joshi, and R Madhavan holding a press conference while she was vacationing in Africa with Saif Ali Khan, Jeh Ali Khan, and Taimur.
In the video, she said, “This press conference clip that is going around is from that secret that these three are keeping from us. I think there’s something fishy and please don’t say that they are coming for Sharman’s movie promotion. I think they are cunning for a sequel. This smells like a sequel for sure.” She ended her video by adding that she is calling Boman Irani.
Previously, in February 2023, Aamir, R Madhavan, and Sharman reunited for a special video to promote the ‘Golmaal’ actor’s film ‘Congratulations,’ which generated a lot of buzz around the ‘3 Idiots’ sequel.
Soon after Kareena shared the video, actor Boman Irani also took to his Instagram account and posted a clip in which he said, “Whatever you guys are up to is out already and the clip has become viral. How can you even think of the ‘3 Idiots’ sequel without Virus (played by Boman)? It’s good that Kareena called and informed me. I would never have known. This is not fair, cooking up something this big and not even informing us. Is this your decency? Where is our friend? I thought we were friends.” He ended the video by adding that he was calling actor Jaaved Jafferi. Jaaved, like Kareena and Boman, posted a clip on Instagram and expressed his disappointment.
He said, “Have you watched the latest news? 3 Idiots Part 2 is in making without the original Rancho. I mean seriously? I was the original Rancho, he was Chote.” He ended up asking actor Mona Singh if she knew something about this or not.
‘3 Idiots,’ directed by Rajkumar Hirani, was released in 2009 and received a positive response from both fans and critics. Fans flooded the comment section with red heart emoticons and shared their excitement shortly after the actors released their videos.
“All is well,” a fan commented. Another fan wrote, “Best news ever if this is true.” “SCREAMINGGGGH,” a user wrote.
The official confirmation of the film’s sequel is still pending.
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