India’s official submission for the Best International Feature Film category at the 97th Academy Awards, Laapataa Ladies, has been eliminated from the Oscars 2025 race. Despite initial hopes, the film, produced by Aamir Khan and directed by Kiran Rao, did not make it to the shortlist announced by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences on Tuesday (Wednesday in India).
15 Films Make It to the Next Round
Out of the 85 countries and regions that were eligible for the category, 15 international films advanced to the next phase of voting. While Laapataa Ladies was not among them, Santosh, a Hindi-language film from the United Kingdom, successfully made it to the shortlist.
The 15 films that have progressed to the next round are:
- Brazil, I’m Still Here
- Canada, Universal Language
- Czech Republic, Waves
- Denmark, The Girl with the Needle
- France, Emilia Pérez
- Germany, The Seed of the Sacred Fig
- Iceland, Touch
- Ireland, Kneecap
- Italy, Vermiglio
- Latvia, Flow
- Norway, Armand
- Palestine, From Ground Zero
- Senegal, Dahomey
- Thailand, How to Make Millions Before Grandma Dies
- United Kingdom, Santosh
About Laapataa Ladies
Academy members from all branches participated in the preliminary voting, with a minimum viewing requirement for eligibility. In the next stage, voters will need to watch all 15 shortlisted films before casting their ballots for nominations.
Laapataa Ladies features a captivating story about two newlywed brides who are mistakenly exchanged during a train ride to their husband’s homes. With a mix of humor and emotional depth, the film tells a heartwarming and poignant tale. Initially met with a mixed reception, Laapataa Ladies later gained momentum, turning into a sleeper hit due to its compelling storyline and strong performances from Nitanshi Goel, Pratibha Ranta, Sparsh Shrivastav, Chhaya Kadam, and Ravi Kishan.
The film had been selected as India’s official submission for the 2025 Oscars in the International Feature Film category after its success with audiences.
The 97th Academy Awards ceremony, which will be hosted by Conan O’Brien, is scheduled to take place on Sunday, March 2, 2025.