Veteran Marathi actor Vijay Kadam passed away on Saturday morning. The news of his demise was confirmed by his friend and fellow actor Jaywant Wadkar.
Jaywant shared with ANI that Vijay Kadam breathed his last at his home in Mumbai at the age of 68. “He had been courageously fighting cancer. Initially, he recovered, but his health eventually deteriorated. About 25 days ago, he even suffered an acidity attack,” Jaywant said.
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In fond memory of Vijay Kadam, Jaywant described him as a versatile and talented artist. “He was extremely talented. From Marathi cinema to Hindi films, he explored different kinds of projects throughout his decades-long career. It’s impossible to find an actor like him again. His death has left a void in the industry. He was like family to me,” Jaywant added.
Vijay Kadam’s cremation will take place this afternoon at the Andheri-Oshiwara crematorium.
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