Singer Mika Singh, who has made his debut in film production with the 2020 OTT series Dangerous, has finally spoken about the ‘horrible’ experience he had while working with Bollywood stars Bipasha Basu and Karan Singh Grover. Despite warnings from Bollywood heavyweights Akshay Kumar and Salman Khan, Mika decided to take on the role of a producer, but the project soon turned into a nightmare because of problems with the lead actors.
Speaking on the podcast KADAK, Mika said that he had initially planned to cast Karan Singh Grover along with a newcomer to keep the project within budget. However, Bipasha Basu insisted on joining the series alongside her husband, Karan. While they agreed to stay within the budget, the experience was frustrating.
Mika said it was supposed to be just a one-month shoot but ended up being two months in London, causing financial pressures to the production. “Karan and Bipasha created a lot of drama,” he recalled. The married couple reportedly made several demands, including separate hotel rooms, despite initially being booked for one room. They also requested a change of hotel, which Mika reluctantly agreed to.
The issues persisted during the shoot. Production was further slowed down by Karan’s leg injury. Despite receiving compensation for their labor, Mika disclosed that the couple also caused problems during dubbing, claiming sore throats and other justifications. The couple’s refusal to execute a kissing scene, even though it was stipulated in their contract, was one of the most annoying moments.
Mika criticized the couple’s behavior, saying, “These stars fall at the feet of big producers like Dharma Productions and Yash Raj Films for even the tiniest roles, but their attitude changes when it comes to smaller producers. Aren’t these producers also spending money?”
The experience was so disheartening that Mika decided to quit film production altogether. He admitted, “I have now decided to never produce a film, and I advise others to give opportunities to newcomers instead.”
Mika also shared that Akshay Kumar and Salman Khan had warned him about the challenges of production. Akshay told him, “Have you gone crazy? You’ve achieved so much in life; why do you want to go knocking at the vans of actors reminding them their shot is ready?” Meanwhile, Salman Khan suggested that Mika should star in his own project, saying, “It is okay if you want to produce a film, but at least star in it.”
After giving it some thought, Mika acknowledged that he wished he had followed their advice and starred in Dangerous himself, since he could have made sure the music would be successful even if the rest of the project didn’t work out.