Bollywood superstar Hrithik Roshan recently took a nostalgic journey as his debut film, Kaho Naa Pyaar Hai, celebrated 25 years since its release. Sharing personal insights and memories, Hrithik posted a series of photos on Instagram featuring his handwritten notes from 27 years ago, when he was preparing for the role that would mark his Bollywood debut.
The actor shared motivational scribbles from his journal, revealing his thoughts during those early days of preparation. Among his notes, he mentioned veteran actor Naseeruddin Shah and wrote lines of encouragement for himself:
He also jotted down fitness goals such as “Need a lot of biceps for broader upper chest” and reminders to improve his speech:
Another line read, “Trust your instinct, they won’t let you down.”
In his Instagram caption, Hrithik candidly shared how nervous he was before starting his first movie, a feeling he still experiences before every new project. Reflecting on his 25-year-long journey, he wrote:
“Then to now, what’s changed? I see these pages and realise—absolutely nothing. The process remains the same. So much to be thankful for. So much to be grateful for. So much left to do.”
He concluded with a tribute to his resilience:
“The first page says ‘one day’ at the bottom. No such day happened, it never came. Or maybe it did, but I missed it because I was in prep.”
Directed by Hrithik’s father, Rakesh Roshan, the 2000 blockbuster launched both Hrithik and co-star Ameesha Patel in Bollywood. The romantic thriller featured Hrithik in a double role, playing Rohit, a singer, and Raj, his lookalike. The film’s engaging plot follows Sonia (Ameesha Patel) as she unravels the mystery behind Rohit’s murder while teaming up with Raj.
The film’s iconic soundtrack, thrilling action sequences, and Hrithik’s memorable dance moves catapulted it to massive success, earning it several awards and solidifying Hrithik’s position as a Bollywood heartthrob.
On the professional front, Hrithik is gearing up for War 2, the highly anticipated sequel to his 2019 blockbuster War. The film will feature Jr NTR and Kiara Advani in pivotal roles, further building excitement among fans.
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