South Indian film ‘RRR’ has created history at the 80th Golden Globe Awards in Los Angeles. The song ‘Natu-Natu’ from the film has been declared the winner in the Best Original Song category. With this, the whole country is feeling proud of this achievement of the film on the international platform. There is an atmosphere of celebration in the South Industry. Bollywood and all the celebs are congratulating the film’s entire team. The country’s Prime Minister, Modi, has also expressed happiness over this achievement of ‘RRR’ and commended the team.
PM Modi wrote in the tweet, “A very special achievement! @mmkeeravaani, Prem Rakshit, Kaal Bhairav, Chandra Bose, @Rahulsipligunj. I congratulate @ssrajamouli, @taarak 9999, @AlwaysRamCharan and the entire team of @RRRMovie. This prestigious honour has made every Indian very proud.
Significantly, the song “Natu Natu” competed with Taylor Swift’s ‘Carolina’, Guillermo del Toro’s ‘Ciao Papa’ from Pinocchio, Lady Gaga’s ‘Hold My Hand’ from Top Gun: Maverick, and ‘Lift’ from Black Panther – Wakanda Forever. Happened with Me Up’. As soon as it was released, this song became a huge hit among the audience. The beats and unique choreography of the song caught a lot of attention from the people. Not only in India but people all over the world danced to the tune of this song.
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