In a significant development regarding the Pushpa 2 stampede case, Telugu superstar Allu Arjun has been granted several relaxations by the Nampally court in Hyderabad. Arjun, who was arrested last month in connection with the tragic incident at the Pushpa 2 premiere, was later granted bail. On Saturday, reports confirmed that the actor has been exempted from appearing at the Chikkadapally police station every Sunday after his legal team raised security concerns. In addition, Allu Arjun has also received permission to travel abroad.
The legal issues surrounding Allu Arjun stem from a tragic incident at the Pushpa 2 movie premiere, where a stampede broke out after the actor stepped out of his car to greet fans. The chaos led to the unfortunate death of a woman and severe injuries to her son, who has since been hospitalized. This incident resulted in Allu Arjun’s arrest on December 13, and he was remanded to 14 days of judicial custody before being granted interim bail on a personal bond of Rs 50,000. His regular bail was granted on January 3.
After his release from custody on December 27, Allu Arjun appeared via video conference for a court hearing, which was postponed until January 3. On that day, the actor was granted regular bail. Despite the legal proceedings, the actor was also questioned by the Hyderabad police. Reports suggest that the police may file a petition challenging the bail, citing the claim that Allu Arjun had refused to leave the theater when asked by authorities on December 4, which allegedly contributed to the stampede. However, Allu Arjun has yet to comment on this accusation.
As the case continues, the court’s recent decisions grant the actor more freedom while he faces ongoing legal scrutiny. The relaxation of conditions, including the exemption from weekly police station appearances and permission to travel abroad, comes as a notable development in the case.
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