The Hyderabad Police have registered a case against actor Allu Arjun and others following the tragic death of a 35-year-old woman, Revathi, during a stampede-like situation at Sandhya Theatre on Wednesday night. The incident occurred during the premiere of Allu Arjun’s much-anticipated film, Pushpa 2: The Rule, when overwhelming crowds gathered, leading to chaos and asphyxiation-related injuries.
The premiere show, scheduled for 9:40 PM at Sandhya 70mm Theatre, drew an unexpectedly massive crowd eager to catch a glimpse of Allu Arjun. According to the police, no prior announcement about the actor’s visit was made by either the theatre management or the actor’s team.
Inadequate crowd management and the absence of separate entry and exit arrangements exacerbated the situation. When Allu Arjun arrived with his personal security detail, the surging crowd attempted to follow him into the theatre. This triggered chaos, with people forcibly entering the lower balcony area.
Among the victims were Revathi, a resident of Dilsukhnagar, and her 13-year-old son, Sreethej, who reportedly suffocated due to the overcrowded conditions. On-duty police personnel quickly intervened, performing CPR on Sreethej and transporting both mother and son to Durgabai Deshmukh Hospital. Tragically, Revathi was declared dead on arrival, while Sreethej was transferred to another hospital in critical condition.
Revathi’s husband revealed that the boy’s condition remains uncertain, with doctors advising a 48-hour observation period.
A case has been filed under various sections, including provisions of the BNS Act, at Chikkadapally Police Station, based on the family’s complaint. Authorities have vowed stringent action against those responsible for the mismanagement that led to the tragic incident.
In a statement, the police highlighted lapses in security by the theatre management and the actor’s team, emphasizing that the absence of adequate crowd control measures played a significant role in the disaster.
Also Read: Pushpa 2 The Rule: Tragic Death Of A Woman In A Stampede In Hyderabad
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