The excitement surrounding Nitesh Tiwari’s upcoming epic drama Ramayana has reached new heights with the official announcement made on November 6. Producer Namit Malhotra, Founder and Global CEO of Prime Focus Studios, revealed that the film will be released in two parts, with the first set to hit theatres in 2026 and the second in 2027. Malhotra shared his enthusiasm on social media, stating, “More than a decade ago, I embarked on a noble quest to bring this epic that has ruled billions of hearts for over 5000 years to the big screen. And today, I am thrilled to see it taking shape beautifully.”
One of the most interesting aspects of Ramayana is that star cast. KGF star you have already confirmed for the role of Ravana. In an interview with The Hollywood Reporter India, Yash stated that he was excited to play such a complex character. “Ravana is the most exciting character to play as an actor. There is vast scope to present it very differently. So I am super-excited to approach it in a uniquely different way,” he said. Yash also mentioned that he would co-produce the film and take it to a wider international audience.
In the most recent update, actor Ravi Dubey unveiled his part in the movie as Lakshman; a role that was quite tough to obtain. Dubey couldn’t get over how much he admired his co-star, Ranbir Kapoor, who essays the role of Lord Ram. “Ranbir is like the elder brother I never had. His kindness, professionalism, and grace are unmatched,” Dubey shared. The casting process of Ramayana was tightly held, and no doubt many fans were eagerly awaiting formal confirmations. The film will also star Sai Pallavi as Sita, marking another significant collaboration.
Especially difficult was Lakshman’s casting, as established actors were unwilling to risk a second lead to Ranbir Kapoor. So, finally, Mukesh Chhabra, the casting director, found Ravi Dubey, television actor, as Lakshman. “We couldn’t have asked for a better Lakshman”, said Chhabra. However, there are no official confirmations from the makers or the actor regarding the rumors involving Sunny Deol as Lord Hanuman.
With its star-studded cast and the promise of bringing one of India’s greatest epics to life, Ramayana is one of the most-anticipated films in the Hindi film industry. Fans eagerly await the first installment in 2026, with hopes high for the dramatic visual and emotional journey this mythological tale promises.
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