In a shocking incident on Thursday morning, Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan was attacked and stabbed multiple times during a robbery attempt at his Bandra residence. The 54-year-old actor, bleeding heavily and in critical condition, was rushed to Lilavati Hospital by his elder son Ibrahim Ali Khan, who displayed remarkable presence of mind.
When the family’s car wasn’t ready for immediate departure, Ibrahim, 23, quickly hailed an auto-rickshaw to ensure his father received timely medical attention. The hospital was just two kilometers away, but every second mattered. Helping his injured father into the three-wheeler, Ibrahim’s quick action potentially averted a more serious outcome.
According to a report by NDTV, a video captured moments after the incident showed Saif’s wife, actress Kareena Kapoor Khan, standing near the auto-rickshaw and speaking with house staff, visibly shaken by the morning’s events.
The horrifying attack occurred during a robbery attempt at Saif’s Bandra residence on the 12th floor of an upscale housing society. The assailant, presumed to be a thief, reportedly climbed the building using a pipe and entered through an open window. During the scuffle that ensued, Saif sustained six injuries, two of which were deep wounds, including one dangerously close to his spine.
The thief was discovered hiding in one of the rooms by the family’s maid, triggering the confrontation. Saif’s injuries were severe enough to require surgery, and doctors later removed a piece of the knife from his body.
Following surgery, Saif is now out of immediate danger and remains under observation in the ICU. His medical team has assured fans and well-wishers that the actor’s condition is stable, though doctors are closely monitoring his recovery.
Mumbai Police have launched a thorough investigation into the incident, concluding that the assailant was likely a lone thief with no links to terror organizations. Preliminary findings suggest that the residential building lacked adequate security measures, enabling the thief to climb to Saif’s apartment undetected.
CCTV footage from the building and its surroundings has been seized for analysis, and authorities are working to identify and apprehend the attacker.
While Saif recuperates from the traumatic ordeal, his family and fans are grateful for the timely intervention of his son Ibrahim, whose quick thinking undoubtedly made a critical difference.
Known for his calm demeanor and resilience, Saif Ali Khan has faced this setback with characteristic strength. As he begins his journey toward recovery, the incident serves as a reminder that challenges can arise when least expected. For now, the focus remains on Saif’s health and the ongoing investigation to bring the assailant to justice.
Also Read: Saif Ali Khan’s Earning, Tigers Of Kolkata Owner Earns 1 Lakh Anually
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