Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan was stabbed multiple times during an attempted burglary at his Bandra residence in Mumbai on Thursday, January 16, 2025. The 54-year-old actor sustained six stab wounds, including two deep injuries near his spine. He is currently undergoing surgery at Lilavati Hospital.
The attack occurred around 2:30 a.m. when an intruder entered Khan’s apartment. The assailant reportedly had a confrontation with the actor’s domestic help. Khan intervened to protect the maid, leading to a violent altercation during which he was stabbed. The attacker fled the scene as others in the household woke up.
Dr. Niraj Uttamani, Chief Operating Officer of Lilavati Hospital, stated that Khan has six injuries, two of which are deeper, with one located near his spine. A small foreign object was also found near his spine. The actor is currently undergoing surgery, and the extent of the damage will be assessed post-operation.
Mumbai police have initiated an investigation into the incident. They are reviewing CCTV footage to determine how the intruder gained access to the apartment and are working to identify the assailant.
According to reports, three suspects have been arrested. They are yet to be identified.
The attack has raised concerns about the safety of public figures and citizens in Mumbai. Calls for increased security measures have been made by film stars and politicians.
A representative for Saif Ali Khan issued a statement confirming the attempted burglary and the actor’s surgery. The statement requested patience from the media and fans, emphasizing that it is a police matter and promising updates on the situation.
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