Police are investigating the attack on Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan, who was assaulted at his Bandra residence on the night of January 15-16. Several staff members of Khan have been interrogated in connection with the case as part of the ongoing investigation. The maid who was at the scene was questioned at the Bandra Police Station regarding the attack on the actor. She was seen leaving the station after the interrogation.
Three other housekeepers are also being interrogated for possible links to the attacker. It is even considered that one of the housekeepers could have assisted the attacker to gain entry into the house.
The 54-year-old actor was reportedly stabbed six times, including one near his spine, during a scuffle with an intruder. Khan was rushed to Lilavati Hospital, where he is receiving treatment and is now said to be out of danger.
Initial reports indicated that the attacker had scaled a wall from a neighboring building to enter Khan’s house. However, authorities are now considering an inside connection, as CCTV footage for the twwo hours preceding the attack did not indicate any break-in or forced entry. This has raised suspicions that the intruder may have been let in by someone from within Khan’s household staff.
The Mumbai Police confirmed that there was a physical fight between the intruder and the actor before Khan was injured. Though the investigation is still at its nascent stage, the police are examining CCTV footage from surrounding properties to gather more evidence and identify the suspect.
A police spokesperson said, “We are looking into all possibilities, including whether the attack was premeditated or if someone from inside the house was involved in helping the intruder.”
ALSO READ: How Did the Intruder Gain Entry In Saif Ali Khan’s Bandra Home? Police Suspects House Help’s Role
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