Sajid Khan’s life was turned upside down by multiple allegations of sexual harassment during Bollywood’s #MeToo movement. It was in 2018, when faced the heat while working on the Akshay Kumar starrer Housefull 4.
Accused of inappropriate behaviour, his career came to a screeching halt, with projects disappearing overnight. For six years, Sajid, now 54, remained silent. In a recent interview, he opened up about the emotional and physical toll those years had on him.
The Struggles of the Last Six Years
Reflecting on his experience in an interview with Hindustan Times, Sajid admitted to battling severe despair. “I contemplated ending my life numerous times in the past six years. Life has been incredibly challenging, especially since I’ve been out of work despite receiving clearance from the Indian Film and Television Directors Association (IFTDA). I had to sell my home and move into a rented apartment due to financial difficulties,” he shared.
Sajid, who started earning at 14 after the death of his father, Kamran Khan, revealed that his struggles have been exacerbated by the loss of his mother, Menaka Irani, in 2024. “She wasn’t just my mother; she was my responsibility. I wish she were here to see me trying to rebuild my life.”
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A Blunt Personality and Its Fallout
Sajid acknowledged that his outspoken nature may have played a role in the trajectory of his career. “In the early stages of my career, I made sensational comments to grab headlines, much like what people do on YouTube now.”
He added, “Looking back, I realize how brash and careless I was in interviews. If I could turn back time, I’d tell my younger self to think before speaking. Words matter less than work, and my attitude rubbed people the wrong way,” he said.
Sajid noted that while he often apologized for his actions, the lack of work made him question his purpose. “I’ve mellowed with time. Now, all I want is to focus on surviving and rebuilding my career.”