With his upcoming Marathi film Hee Anokhi Gaath, which is helmed by Mahesh Manjrekar, actor Shreyas Talpade is set to make his big screen comeback. The actor, 48, experienced an almost fatal heart attack on December 17, 2023; this is his first movie following the incident. After suffering a cardiac arrest two months ago, the actor reports that he is now on the mend and that it will take him “four to six months to fully recover.” He has begun filming a movie, but he is “taking it very slow.”
“Till the 14th of December I was a man obsessed with work. I have been working non-stop technically for the past 30 years or so. I was just focusing on my career and that was about it. We keep saying that we try to spend quality time with our family but that doesn’t happen, your priority is work and you are running after that,” exclaims Shreyas who lived with chronic stress all his life since he made his acting debut in 2002.
Speaking of the day he passed out from a heart attack and the trying time he and his family went through while he was in the hospital for treatment, Shreyas claims those events have transformed him into a different person. According to his description, “I felt that in that case, this is essentially a second life—a chance that not many people get—and I wouldn’t like to misuse it. For now, I’m just going to take it easy. Fortunately, this movie arrived, which made it easier for me to leave the atmosphere that was accumulating in the house and everywhere I went. However, I also want to make sure that I take better care of my health, or at least better care of it.
Shreyas acknowledges his fear for his life. “We hear about so many incidents and stories of people losing their lives.” I’m moving very slowly. I have two days left to finish a film that I just started shooting. For me, they are also going slowly. I’m taking care of business as usual. It goes without saying that this will continue until I heal completely, which should take four to six months. Following that, the doctors have cleared me to go back to work and start acting “more normal.” Having said that, Shreyas says, “My priorities have changed, but they will stay the same.
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