Actor Gurucharan Singh, known for his role in “Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah,” has been found after being missing for 28 days. On Saturday morning, news agency ANI shared a picture of Singh smiling next to a police officer, marking his first public appearance since his disappearance on April 22.
Gurucharan Singh’s Return Home
Gurucharan Singh returned to his Delhi residence on Friday. In the picture, he appears tired but relieved, wearing a striped turban and black T-shirt. The actor’s disappearance had raised concerns among fans and colleagues, with many commenting on how much he seemed to have aged.
The Actor’s Explanation
Upon his return, Singh was questioned by Delhi Police and his statement was recorded before a local court. He explained that he had embarked on a spiritual journey, which led to his sudden and prolonged absence.
The Disappearance
Singh’s disappearance was first reported by his father, who filed a complaint with Delhi Police after his son failed to return to Mumbai from a visit to Delhi. Initially, there were concerns about Singh’s financial stability, as he was found to be operating multiple bank accounts and using credit cards despite apparent fiscal difficulties. Friends and relatives had suggested that Singh was pursuing spiritual interests, possibly heading to the mountains.
Public and Industry Reaction
The president of the All Indian Cine Workers Association, Suresh Shyamlal Gupta, had called for an expedited investigation into Singh’s disappearance, appealing to Delhi’s lieutenant governor VK Saxena and chief minister Arvind Kejriwal.
Gurucharan Singh, who gained fame as Roshan Singh Sodhi in “Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah,” left the popular show a few years ago. His unexpected return has brought relief to his family and fans, ending weeks of uncertainty.