Director Nitesh Tiwari’s ambitious two-part project, Ramayana, has been a hot topic since its announcement, though the cast remained a mystery. Recently, at the Red Sea Film Festival in Jeddah, Ranbir Kapoor confirmed his involvement, and now Sunny Deol has also shared that he is part of the magnum opus during a media event.
Sunny Deol Shares Insights
Sunny Deol, who attended the event alongside his brother Bobby Deol—who previously co-starred with Ranbir Kapoor in 2023’s Animal—offered a glimpse into the scale and vision of Ramayana.
He revealed that the film is being crafted with the same technological sophistication as Hollywood franchises like Avatar and Planet of the Apes, employing top-tier technicians.
“The writer and director are very clear about how they want to present the story and its characters,” Sunny shared. “The special effects will make the events feel authentic, creating a sense of reality rather than appearing overly fabricated. I am confident it will be a fantastic film that everyone will love.”
While speculation suggests that Sunny might portray Lord Hanuman, he refrained from confirming his character in the film.
Ranbir Kapoor on Playing Lord Ram
Earlier, Ranbir Kapoor disclosed at the Red Sea Film Festival that he had completed filming for the first installment of the franchise. He expressed his excitement, saying, “Ramayana has two parts. I’ve finished shooting Part 1 and will soon begin work on Part 2. Playing Ram is a humbling experience and a dream come true for me. The film is a complete package that delves into Indian culture, family values, and the dynamics of relationships.”
Sunny Deol’s and Ranbir Kapoor’s revelations have heightened anticipation for Ramayana, a project poised to bring the epic tale to life on an unprecedented scale. Fans are eagerly awaiting further updates on the film, which promises to blend Indian storytelling with cutting-edge technology.