Actor Vikrant Massey has tattooed the name of his newborn son Vardaan on his arm. Vikrant and his wife Sheetal Thakur welcomed Vardaan on February 7th, 2024. On Saturday, Vikrant shared a close-up photo on Instagram Stories showing the tattoo “Vardaan” and “7-2-2024” inked on his arm. He wrote “Addition or addiction? I love them both” along with a red heart emoji, expressing his love for his son.
On February 23rd, Vikrant and Sheetal revealed their son’s name in an Instagram post with a family photo giving a partial glimpse of the baby. Vikrant wrote “Nothing short of a blessing…We named him Vardaan!!!” announcing the name. When Vardaan was born last month, Vikrant and Sheetal shared the news in a joint statement on Instagram saying “07.02.2024. For we have become one. We are bursting with joy and love to announce the arrival of our son. Love Sheetal and Vikrant.”
Earlier, Vikrant had announced that he and Sheetal were expecting their first child together. He shared the news on Instagram with a creative post showing safety pins depicting the couple, with one bigger pin containing a smaller one inside representing the coming baby.
Vikrant and Sheetal, who co-starred in the web series Broken but Beautiful, got married in February 2022 after being engaged in 2019. Their wedding plans were delayed due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
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